Where are you located?

A Thousand Mornings travels to different outdoor spaces throughout Santa Barbara and Goleta. We don’t have a permanent structure of any kind; we belong to the land! We meet at a base camp daily and then venture out from there throughout the program day. We rotate sites approximately every 4-6 weeks.

What age children do you accept?

We are a mixed-age program. Children must be 2.5 by the beginning of their scheduled session to attend. We offer rolling admissions, so if your child is close to the cut-off, they are welcome to be added to the waiting list and join the program when they are old enough if a spot becomes available. We encourage children to join/ stay in our program until they are ready to transition to Kindergarten!

What happens if it rains?

We play in the rain! We will have tarps to create a small shelter and keep belongings dry, but unless there are thunderstorms predicted, we will still meet and be outdoors. Children come equipped in appropriate gear specifically so we can enjoy all kinds of weather. (We are working, longterm, towards having rain gear to lend to families for a session. As a new program, we have not yet amassed what we’d like to have but can currently offer a discount through a great children’s gear outfitter.)

It’s important to note that children will sometimes be uncomfortable with playing in inclement weather at first— and that’s okay! We’re cultured to believe that when the weather is “bad,” we stay inside. But just like anything else, the more we practice being outside, in all kinds of environments, the more we realize how fun and engaging it can be.

What do you do all day?

We play outside!

A Thousand Mornings Forest School is a play-based program that honors a child-led curriculum. Loosely, our day goes like this:

  • 8:30- 8:45 Drop Off at Scheduled Base Camp

  • 8:45-10:00 Provocations/ Invitations to Play

  • 10:00-10:20 Circle Time: Welcome Song, Story, Discussion

  • 10:20-10:40 Snack, Gratitude Circle, Water & Potty Break

  • 10:40-11:00 Clean-up Time, Transitioning

  • 11:00-12:15 Hike/ Wander to Alternate Location/ Free Play

  • 12:15-12:30 Closing Song, Reflections

Can we schedule a tour?

Generally, we do not allow tours. As our program is entirely outside, we think a lot about the way energy moves and have found that having others in observance often disrupts or changes the flow of our day. Our administration and teaching staff are also one entity so we have no outside staff to bring outsiders through for a brief look as in other more traditional programs.

Instead, for enrollment purposes, we typically meet families in a group playdate outside of school hours to get a feel for each other and answer any questions. We meet at one of our sites, provide a setup with activities that mirror our typical day, lead a circle time, and provide ample time to be together and connect. On occasion, when we are filling a single space mid-year, we will offer a visit to one of our sites during school hours, but only to families who might actively be enrolled; we do not offer tours of any kind to those seeking space in the future, though we welcome questions via email.

Of course, all this being said, we are outdoors in public spaces and anyone might pop by and see us in action! We simply limit the number of people we invite into our space to preserve the sanctity of our space, our routine, and our community.

How do you handle conflict resolution?

Teachers are trained to practice positive discipline. We believe effectively addressing behavioral issues requires identifying the belief behind the behavior. When children act out, it is always for a reason, and rather than seeking to simply eliminate a disruptive behavior, we work to discover its root and help find solutions. Discipline is never punitive, physical, or involving punishment; it is also not permissive. We have clear expectations that we treat one another with kindness and respect.

Ultimately, we work with children to develop problem-solving skills and to create a sense of belonging, significance, and peace. We believe there are no "bad kids" or even "bad behavior;" there are simply varying expressions of the gamut of emotions. Children are seeking to feel connected and understood, and we allow a space to practice doing so in a way that keeps people and things safe. Developing emotional literacy and empathy are at the core of our practices.

Is this a co-op? Are parents required to come? Can I come with my child? Can I be my child with special needs’ aide?

A Thousand Mornings is a drop-off program. We don’t have a program for parents and children combined at this time, though we’ve had a lot of interest from families with children with younger kiddos, and we believe that the littlest littles benefit from lots of time outdoors too! So that might be in the works one day, but not presently.

We do have an open-door policy, meaning we welcome parents to come share a skill, lead us on a hike, read a story at circle time, or simply visit for a while. Having a parent on site every day for an extended period of time is a different scenario and not our intention. Trained aides are welcome for children with special needs.

What will my child need to bring to school ?

Each day, children should bring:

  • An ergonomic backpack they can carry themselves

  • A leak-proof, refillable water bottle

  • A hearty, healthy lunch in a sealed container

  • A full change of weather-appropriate clothes (including at least 2 pairs of socks)

  • A seasonally-appropriate hat

  • Closed-toe shoes

  • Sunscreen

Is your program nut-free?

No. We allow all foods. We wash hands before eating, and, if a child in our group has a specific food allergy, we will wash hands after snack as well. Children are not allowed to share food.

We cannot guarantee that children with nut allergies will not encounter nuts in nature, though we can help identify them as something to avoid. If a child requires an EpiPen, one must be provided at the start of the school year, along with the required Medication Authorization Form signed by a physician.

Where do you go to the bathroom?

We nature pee! We utilize the Leave No Trace principles, but we will always use a portable toilet for bowel movements.

We carry biodegradable soap and water and ensure children wash hands afterwards.

Does my child need to be potty-trained?

Children must have begun the potty-training process before attending. We recognize that this process takes time and is not linear in progression! Accidents happen. However, we require that children in attendance have begun pottying at home and wearing underwear regularly before attending A Thousand Mornings.

We reserve the right to make exceptions to this rule, based on a variety of factors, including regard for particular developmental needs and the current enrollment count of other children, who might already require special assistance.

Do you accept children with special needs?

We strive for inclusivity in every arena in our forest school and welcome children with special needs as well as typically developing children. Like all children, children with special needs will be admitted on a case-by-case basis. Because of the nature of our program, careful considerations must be made about safety, accessibility, and supervision, though we will always make our best effort to modify our program and environment to be accessible to all.

We will happily work with any specialists (occupational therapists, speech therapists, etc.) a child might have to create the best possible experience for children with special needs. When appropriate, a trained aide is welcome to attend all sessions with the child.